Friday, January 1, 2010

Project 365... "The Year of Woo Hoo!"

On January 1, 2009, I noticed that a very talented designer (and friend) was starting a year long project called, "Project 365."  (Thanks to you, Miss Noel Culbertson!) After watching her blog and progress through her journey, I KNEW it was an avenue that I would purse in 2010... a new way to document a year in our family life.  Project 365 is the documentation, through a picture a day... every day... for an entire year.  Each day, I will take a picture that helps define that day... maybe a picture of the family... or of a new bud on a special plant... or of Chris' drivers license...  a way to watch our children grow... love... and life. 

I am playing around with the corner mask that I will be posting on each of my Project 365 pictures, but for now... here is picture #1... for Day #1, 2010...

... Puppy Abby... the poor thing... learning that to live in the Locher family means that you will be subjected to random photo shoots... and she was sooooo tired after our annual family party last night... she was the last party goer...  and here we go with Project 365! 

1 comment:

laterg8r said...

great idea - it's hard work though :D

sweet pic :D