Monday, October 29, 2007

...and life goes on...

It has been one heck of a week around here! The kids are still home from school, but the schools hope to open again tomorrow. It is still pretty smokey, but we can see (some) blue skies. Yesterday we decided that we just had to get out of the house and carry on with our Halloween traditions, so we went up to Bates Nut Farm and enjoyed our annual pumpkin hunt. Mom and Dad joined us this year as did Chris' girlfriend, Hanna (in the blue). It was a bit strange to be standing in this beautiful and expansive field full of laughing kids, parents with cameras, dad's struggling to carry all the pumpkins, my Dad looking around saying, "I think this is the most sincere pumpkin patch I've ever seen...", then laughing my rear off at my cute Dad looking for the "Great Pumpkin", ... and then looking up and seeing huge plumes of black smoke continuing to rise from behind the mountains adjacent the farm... very weird! We had fun and were glad to get out and do something "normal."

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Tracey! Your blog is great - I love it! Your photography is absolutely stunning. Congrats on your first scrapbook class!