Tuesday, April 21, 2009

OGHS Athletics Auction...

Busy, busy, busy!!! The Dick Disney Athletics Auction is the single BIGGEST fundraiser for athletics for the ENTIRE YEAR! What so many people don't understand is that THANKS TO THE STATE ECONOMIC ISSUES, SCHOOL ATHLETICS NOW HAVE NOOOOOOOOO MONEY!! Um, YEAH, NO MONEY! In the 2009 - 2010 school year, NONE OF THE ATHLETIC PROGRAMS AT OGHS WILL GET A DIME OF SUPPORT FROM THE SCHOOL/DISTRICT!!!! Every cent for uniforms, travel, safety equipment, tournaments, EVERYTHING will have to be FUND RAISED!!! It is so sad to say that out of a school of about 2,500 students that there is a group of around 30 families that HAVE TO RAISE ALL THE MONEY FOR THE ENTIRE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT FOR OUR HIGH SCHOOL!!!!! It is so FRUSTRATING that out of hundreds of kids that participate in sports at our school, that so few of us end up paying for ALL OF THE KIDS IN ALL OF THE PROGRAMS! Do you know how many of the parents we ONLY SEE AT THE END OF THE YEAR BANQUET!? We seriously sit there and wonder who all these people are that all of a sudden show up for the party when they haven't done a THING to support their own child, much less the program the ENTIRE YEAR!!@!

Sorry, enough of my tirade on this issue...

WE had a great time... Anna found a Disney Princess item that she HAD TO HAVE and she sat on it and covered the bid sheet so that nobody else could bid on it... some of our family friends gave her a hard time... trying to write a new bid on her arms, but she would not have any of it!!! Here are a few fun pics from the auction...

Please support your school... no matter what school... no matter what program... if you have kids in school, the ONLY WAY that they are going to succeed is going to be because YOU SUPPORT THEM!!!

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